Spirit of Mandela is a campaign to bring international attention to U.S. human rights violations of Black, Brown, Indigenous People, and U.S. held political prisoners.
The Spirit of Mandela (SoM) is a coalition founded in 2018, led by Black Liberation organizers and former Political Prisoners working with Black, Brown, and Indigenous Peoples and their allies to bring international attention to U.S. human rights violations amounting to genocide.
Through its endeavors, the SoM Coalition successfully initiated the 2021 International Tribunal charging the United States government with five counts of violations based on international law, and an independent Panel of Jurists found the US guilty of genocide on all five counts.
Subsequently, SoM has launched one of the most comprehensive national action campaigns/initiatives in decades - the Peoples’ Senate - seeking to unify progressive and radical activists across geographic, ideological, and other divides.

The Peoples’ Senate is a national cohesive network reflective of poor and working-class communities across the United States, its colonies and territories; working together to protect, champion and uphold the human rights of Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples, thus ensuring the human rights of all people.
From October 22 to 25, 2021, the Spirit of Mandela Coalition organized and hosted an INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL in which we successfully charged the United States government, its states, and specific agencies with human and civil rights violations against Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
About the People Podcast
About the People (AtP) is an audio-visual project that emerges out of the 2021 International Tribunal and the ongoing organizing lens of the Spirit of Mandela Coalition campaign (SoM), which brought five charges of genocide against the U.S. Following the Guilty Verdict on all five counts, AtP was created to highlight the grassroots work of committed strugglers, revolutionaries, and people of conscience in these looted colonies and territories.
“One of our first programs is to take our problem out of the civil rights context and place it at the international level, of human rights, so that the entire world can have a voice in our struggle. If we keep it at civil rights, then the only place we can turn for allies is within the domestic confines of America. But when you make it a human rights struggle, it becomes international and then you can open the door for all types of advice and support from our brothers in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and elsewhere. So, it’s very, very important - that’s our international aim, that’s our external aim.”
— el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz
“Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.” - NELSON MANDELA
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