peoples’ senate

The Peoples’ Senate is a national cohesive network of people reflective of poor and working-class communities across the United States; joined together to protect, champion, and uphold the human rights of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people, and by doing so, ensure the human rights of all people.

peoples’ senate, At a Glance:

The distinguished international panel of jurists that heard testimony and reviewed documents introduced at the October 2021 International Tribunal on US Human Rights Abuses Against Black, Brown and Indigenous Peoples found the USA “Guilty of Genocide.”

Yet, we must do more than simply celebrate the International Panel of Jurists’ guilty verdict. Our job now is to organize a meaningful resistance to this genocide, rooted in the Black, Brown and Indigenous communities themselves.

There are many ongoing and vital organizing efforts across the country, many local, some focused on single issues, others broader. All could be assisted by a network linking the various efforts, informing the many forces of the work of others and amplifying the voices of all.

Thus the Spirit of Mandela Coalition, the organizers of the International Tribunal, is calling for the formation of a Peoples’ Senate that can help to construct a network to link these efforts and become a platform through which the struggles of each might become the struggle of all.

We must speak out against genocide and other abuses with a collective voice and developing a program of action to address various issues/struggles that can unite and strengthen our collective voice.

The Peoples’ Senate, over time, is working to provide a model for an alternative to existing governance, showcasing how a body might work that truly represents the people, and striving to put decision-making in their hands.

GOALS of the senate

  • Help publicize and promote all of the ongoing local work that is currently underway

  • Make links between groups whose efforts are on parallel tracks with potential to move towards collaborative efforts

  • Develop new initiatives that can unite us on a national and international scale

  • Elect a Peoples’ Senate, bringing forward the leadership of Black, Brown and Indigenous communities

  • Provide an arena for discussion, exchange, and developing solutions to the problems faced by all.

Our VISION OF A SENATE is a representative body of the peoples and their organizations, elected by local meetings or gatherings based on geography, or on constituency, or on groups of people engaged in common work.

We will meet on a national level to discuss how this goal of developing a united struggle might be pursued. Election meetings can be regular meetings of already established groups or collectives, or they may be ad-hoc caucuses created specifically for the purpose of electing senators.

The project at this point is in its formative stages. We need YOU! - more individuals and groups to get involved to help us think through and implement an organizing plan.


SATURDAY, FEB 18, 2023 at 12PM EST / 9AM PT

Speakers include:

Sekou Odinga, Emcee

Jihad Abdulmumit: Spirit of Mandela Coalition 
Magdalene Moonsamy: Chief Jurist, October 2021 Tribunal
Luis Rosa: Occupied and Colonized Peoples Forum
Jalil Muntaqim: Spirit of Mandela Coalition
Johanna Fernandez: Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
Polly Walker: (Cherokee) Indigenous Education Institute
Kempis (Ghani) Songster: Ubuntu Philadelphia
Mary Louise Patterson: Physicians for a National Health Program
Tania Siddiqi: Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement