On October 22-25 2021, the Spirit of Mandela Coalition organized and hosted an International Tribunal which we successfully charged the United States government, its states, and specific agencies with human and civil rights violations against Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

  • Racist police killings of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

  • Hyper incarcerations of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

  • Political incarceration of Civil Rights/National Liberation era revolutionaries and activists, as well as present day activists.

  • Environmental racism and its impact on Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

  • Public Health racism and disparities and its impact on Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

  • Genocide of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people as a result of the historic and systemic charges of all the above.

OUTCOMES & OPPOrtunities

The 2021 International Tribunal has a unique set of outcomes and an opportunity to organize on a mass level across many social justice arenas. Upon the verdict, the results of the Tribunal will:

  • Codify and publish the content and results of the Tribunal to be offered in High Schools and University curriculums.

  • Provide organized, accurate information for reparation initiatives and community and human rights work.

  • Present a stronger case, building upon previous and respected human rights initiatives, on the international stage

  • Establish a healthy and viable massive national network of community organizations, activists, clergy, academics, and lawyers concerned with challenging human rights abuses on all levels and enhancing the quality of life for all people.

  • Strengthen the demand to free all Political Prisoners and establish a Truth & Reconciliation Commission mechanism to lead to their freedom.

  • Establish the foundation to build a “Peoples’ Senate” representative of all 50 states, Indigenous Tribes, and major religions.